To clearly 状态 the rights and responsibilities of all patients and to show our commitment to respecting those rights in all that we do.
A. All patients are informed of their rights and responsibilities on admission to the medical center. 所有的病人都会得到一份书面的权利说明.
B. 病人的权利
1. 受到尊重, dignity and compassion in a safe setting; and to receive reasonable responses to reasonable requests for service.
2. 医院尊重病人对保密、隐私和安全的需求.
3. 病人有权不受忽视, exploitation; and verbal, 精神, 身体虐待和性虐待.
4. 医院会提供护理, 治疗, 和服务 to patients within its capability and mission and in compliance with laws and regulations.
5. The hospital will respect the patient’s rights to receive information regarding the individual(s) responsible for, 以及那些提供, 他或她的照顾, 治疗, 和服务.
6. 医院尊重患者的文化和个人价值观以及偏好.
7. 医院禁止基于年龄的歧视, 比赛, 种族, 宗教, 文化, 语言, 身体或精神残疾, 社会经济地位, 性, 性取向, 以及性别认同或表达.
8. The hospital will accommodate the right to religious and other spiritual 服务 for our patients.
9. Each patient will receive information on admission regarding their rights and responsibilities including the extent to which the hospital is able, 如果病人有预先指示,不能或不愿意遵守预先指示.
10. 事先指示的存在与否并不决定病人是否能得到护理, 治疗, 和服务.
11. 病人将被允许进入, may request amendment to and will receive an accounting of disclosure regarding his or her health information in accordance with laws and regulations.
12. The hospital will respect the patient’s right to participate in decisions about 他或她的照顾, 治疗, 和服务, including the right to have his or her family and 医生 promptly notified of his or her admission to the hospital.
13. 患者将参与解决有关护理、治疗和服务的难题.
14. 代理决策者, 法律允许的, 将被识别, 涉及到, 并在病人无法对自己的护理做出决定时做出决定, 治疗, 或服务.
15. The hospital provides the patient or surrogate decision maker with the information regarding the outcomes of care, 治疗 和服务 that the patient needs in order to participate in current and future health care decisions.
16. The hospital 告知患者或替代决策者关于护理的意外结果, 与联合委员会规定的前哨事件有关的治疗或服务.
17. The hospital and/or licensed independent practitioner responsible for managing the patient’s care, 告知患者或替代决策者关于护理的意外结果, 治疗, 以及与联合委员会认为可审查的前哨事件有关的服务.
18. 这个家庭, 在适当和法律允许的情况下, 经患者或代理的许可,决策者将参与护理, 治疗, 以及服务决策.
19. 医院将尊重病人给予或拒绝知情同意的权利.
20. The hospital will honor patient’s rights to give or withhold informed consent to produce or use recordings, 电影, 或者其他病人的图像,而不是为了照顾他或她.
21. The patient has the right to an environment that preserves dignity and contributes to a positive self-image.
22. 病人有权拒绝治疗, 治疗, 或依照法律法规提供服务.
23. 医院将回应并尊重病人关于护理的决定, 治疗, 或者在生命结束时接受的服务.
24. The hospital will honor a patient’s wishes regarding organ donation within the limits of the law and the hospitals capacity.
25. 病人及其家属, 适当时将告知护理结果, 已提供的治疗和服务, 包括意料之外的结果.
26. The hospital will respect the patient’s right to and need for effective communication in a manner that he or she understands. 医院根据需要为病人提供语言口译和笔译服务. 信息也提供给有视力的患者, 演讲, 听力, 或者以满足病人需要的方式来治疗认知障碍.
27. The hospital will receive, review and when possible, resolve complaints from patients their families.
28. The hospital will inform patient, families and staff the process of complaint resolution as needed.
29. 医院将安排支援, 协调活动, 服务, and resources to ensure that pain is recognized and addressed appropriately and in accordance with the care, 治疗, 提供的服务包括, 教育和管理疼痛.
30. 医院将协助病人制定出院计划, 获得保护和宣传服务.
31. The patients will be provided information regarding their responsibilities while receiving care, 治疗, 和服务.
32. 医院会允许家属, 朋友和其他人陪在病人身边, 应病人要求在住院期间提供情感支持.
33. 病人有权接受或限制探视者. 医院有探视病人的规定, and will accommodate visitors as requested by patient keeping within clinically necessary or reasonable restrictions or limitations.
34. 医院将在研究过程中保护患者并尊重其权利, 调查, 还有临床试验.
C. 病人的责任
1. 提供有关您目前医疗状况的准确和完整的信息, 过去的疾病, 住院和其他与健康有关的事项, 包括使用药物.
2. To provide a copy of your Advance Directive (if you have one) to the hospital and to your 医生.
3. 通知你的医生,如果你收到关于你的诊断信息, 治疗, 护理计划或预后不充分或不了解.
4. 配合并遵循医生为您开出的护理处方, 护士或其他卫生专业人员. 报告你身体状况的意外变化.
5. 与您的医疗团队合作制定疼痛管理计划.
6. 遵循医生给你开的食谱. 如果额外的营养需要零食, please contact your nurse or 医生 for an appropriate order to assure that your health is maintained.
7. 尊重你周围的人,包括其他病人、访客和工作人员. 不允许任何粗鲁、威胁、贬低的言论或行为. 确保人人享有安全的环境, anyone—including family and visitors—will be asked to leave the campus if they exhibit disruptive behavior.
8. 遵守我们的参观政策.
9. To not leave the unit or 治疗 area without checking in with the staff and obtaining a 医生 order.
10. 在任何时候都遵守我们的禁烟政策.
11. 不服用任何未经医生指示的药物或药物. 这是一个没有毒品的校园.
12. To examine your bill and ask any questions you may have regarding the charges or methods of payment.
13. 接受与你的护理相关的经济责任. To furnish the hospital staff with all information and documents required by the insurance company or federal/状态 agencies which will or may undertake the payment of your facility charge in accordance with the requirements of federal or 状态 regulations.
14. 建议你的护士, 医生, 护士经理, social worker or an administrator of any dissatisfaction you may have with regard to your care in the hospital.
15. 协助医生和医院工作人员营造一个安全的环境.
16. 如果您在住宿期间感到不安全,请随时通知工作人员.
17. To report any unexpected changes in the patient’s condition to the patient’s healthcare provider.
18. To follow all medical center policies and procedures while being considerate of the rights of other patients and Paris Regional Health personnel and properties, 帮助控制噪音和干扰.
19. To follow the 治疗 plan developed with the practitioner and understand the consequences of 治疗 alternatives and non-compliance with the proposed course of 治疗.
20. 遵守你的病人护理合同(如果有的话).
无论你是否使用了医院的申诉程序,都要向政府提出申诉. 如果你担心你的护理质量, 保险的决定, 或者想上诉提前退伍, 联系国家质量改进组织(QIO)
电子邮件: 氢氟烃.complaints@dshs.状态.tx.us
P.O. 149347箱
without being subject to coercion, discrimination, reprisal or unreasonable interruption of care;
并告知解决问题的过程. 如果您有顾虑和疑问
电子邮件: complaint@jointcommission.org
We want you to have the best possible care, and we consider you a partner in your hospital care. 当你消息灵通的时候, participate in 治疗 decisions and communicate openly with your 医生 and other health professionals, 你帮助使你的护理尽可能有效. Paris Regional Medical Center encourages respect for the personal preferences and values of each individual.